The Advantages of Strength and Cardio Training After Bariatric Surgery

The Advantages of Strength and Cardio Training After Bariatric Surgery

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Exercise is a key component for successful weight loss after your Lap-Band® procedure, along with healthy eating, proper hydration, and a good sleep routine. It can be difficult to know how to begin an exercise routine, especially for Lap-Band patients who are relatively new to exercise. As you work with your surgical team to design an exercise routine, incorporate both strength training and cardio to reap the benefits of both and aid your healthy weight loss.

The Benefits of Cardio After Lap-Band Surgery

Cardio is perfect for maintaining a healthy heart and burning calories. This aerobatic activity is meant to raise and elevate your heart rate continuously for the entirety of your workout. Steady-state cardio includes cycling, running, aerobics, and many other exercises.

High-intensity interval training is another type of cardio that involves short, intense cardio workouts. Great for Lap-Band patients who need a workout but don’t have a lot of time, HIIT burns a similar number of calories to traditional cardio but in a shorter time frame.

In conjunction with healthy eating, cardio can aid in your weight-loss journey. However, it also has many benefits for your general health. Regular cardio can help lower your blood pressure, improve your immune system, and better your respiratory function, all of which can help reduce the risk of obesity-related comorbidities.

The Benefits of Strength Training After Lap-Band Surgery

Strength training, also called resistance training, helps build muscle. Strength training activities include weightlifting and exercising with resistance bands. These workouts burn fewer calories than cardio, but strength training activities can help decrease fat and increase muscle, especially when you keep the proper amount of protein in your diet.

The Lap-Band procedure provides a lower chance of loose skin after surgery because your weight loss is controlled and sustainable. However, adding strength training workouts into your routine will also decrease the odds of developing loose skin, as growing muscles occupy the space.

Establishing Healthy Habits After Lap-Band Surgery

It’s important to remember that exercise is just one part of the puzzle after Lap-Band surgery. Eating healthy, getting good sleep, controlling your portions, and staying hydrated are all important parts of your weight-loss journey, too.

Questions about the Lap-Band surgery? Visit the Lap-Band of Louisville website to learn more, or contact us today.

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