Healthy Eating Tips for the Holidays

Healthy Eating Tips for the Holidays

The holidays are upon us, and while celebrations may look different because of the COVID-19 pandemic, chances are many people will still find themselves surrounded by an abundance of holiday foods, sweets, and snacks. This time of year can be a challenge, both for post-bariatric surgery patients and those trying to lose weight, but eating healthier doesn’t have to suck the fun from the festivities. To avoid holiday weight gain, keep these tips in mind when filling your plate.

Aim to Maintain

Set realistic goals for yourself this season. Many insist they’re going to continue losing weight throughout the holidays, and while some do, it’s not a practical goal for the majority of people. Instead, concentrate on keeping yourself at a steady weight and practicing healthy habits.

Avoid “Saving Up” for Dinner

Don’t be tempted to “save room” or “save calories” in preparation for big holiday dinners. While the impulse is understandable, this can actually do more harm than good. Showing up hungry can lead to overeating and impulsive snacking, so stick to your regular eating patterns and don’t skip breakfast or lunch.

Avoid Unconscious Eating

While you’re waiting for dinner, it’s easy to reach for snacks, especially when relatives leave out bowls of nuts or candy for guests. Avoid socializing near food or hanging out in the kitchen, which might trigger the urge to snack. If you can, train yourself to sip water when you reach for the bowl of candy mints; not only will this up your hydration, it’ll help your stomach feel fuller.

Choose or Bring Something Healthy

If you plan to bring a dish to the celebration, choose something healthy or bariatric-friendly. If you’re cooking, prepare healthier options or make substitutions that cut the fat. Before you grab your plate, assess your options, and plan to pick the healthier dishes.

Portion Control and Mindful Eating

Losing weight doesn’t mean you can’t have your favorites, but keep your portions small. Additionally, eating slowly will help prevent overeating. Spend at least 20 minutes eating your meals, taking small bites, chewing thoroughly, and drinking plenty of water to aid with digestion.

Limit Alcohol

Holidays are rife with alcohol, which is not only dehydrating but also packed with calories. Limit the drinks you’ll be having, make low-sugar and low-calories choices if available, and stick to water for the most part.

Plan to Exercise

The holidays are a busy time for everyone, but it’s important not to let exercise get pushed to the side. Look at your calendar for the new few months, and plan out the days you’ll be hitting the gym. Not only will it supplement your health and weight loss, exercise also combats holiday stress and winter blues.

Be kind to yourself during the holiday season; if you overeat, it isn’t the end of the world. Balance it out the next day with a lighter breakfast and a morning jog. Weight loss is a journey, and Lap-Band® of Louisville wants to support you in any way we can. Contact us online, or visit our blog for other resources.